Study Committees  >  Activities


The Study Committees (SC) and the Technical Committee of CIGRE are the main players in the technical activities of CIGRE. 16 SCs exist since the reorganization in 2002 and are governed by precise operative rules (Terms of Reference for their studies).
Basic responsibility of the SCs is to carry out studies on topical issues of their domain. Results are published and made available to CIGRE members as well as non members. In its work a SC relies on Advisory and Working Groups. The SCs play a leading role in the Sessions and Symposia held by CIGRE and also organize their own events: Colloquia, Tutorials, and Workshops.

The activities of the SCs are coordinated by the Technical Committee, lead by the Chairman, who represents the Administrative Council of CIGRE.

A1 Rotating Electrical Machines
Life management, machine monitoring & diagnosis, large generators, high efficient electrical machines è


Ñ1 System Development and Economics
Planning for rapid development, asset management practices, investment drivers etc.

À2 Transformers
Design & manufacture, application of material, utilization, safety & environmental aspects, quality assurance and testing


Ñ2 System Operation and Control
Control & switching for reliability, reserves & emergency strategies, short term planning & coordination of system capacity needs etc.

À3 High Voltage Equipment
Design and development, test techniques, maintenance, reliability assessment and condition monitoring etc.


Ñ3 System Environmental Performance
Environmental impacts of Power System development & operation, global environmental changes etc.

Â1 Insulated Cables
Submarine, underground, ducts, tunnels, HVDC & HVAC Cable Systems


Ñ4 System Technical Performance
Power quality, EMC/EMI, Insulation coordination, lightning, advanced tools for analysis of power system performance etc.

Â2 Overhead Lines
Increase acceptability, capacities, reliability & availability of overhead lines


Ñ5 Electricity Markets and Regulation
Markets design’s impact on transmission system operation, regulatory incentives etc.

Â3 Substations
New substations concepts, life cycle management & maintenance, impact of new communication standards & smart grids


Ñ6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation
Dispersed Energy Resources connection & integration, Microgrids etc.

Â4 HVDC and Power Electronics
Responsible for HVDC systems, power electronics for AC systems, economical & environmental matters


D1 Materials and Emerging Test Technologies
Electrical insulating & conducting materials, high voltage & current test/measuring techniques etc.

Â5 Protection and Automation
Concepts of substation automation systems, application of numerical protections and substation automation systems, IEC 61850 etc


D2 Information Systems and Telecommunication
ICT, telecommunication networks, new ICT architectures, ICT governance, information security

Study Committees

Latest News

Season Greetings 2021 from CIGRE Russia

Season Greetings 2021 from CIGRE Russia Chairman Andrey E. Murov.


Electrical Power Systems Development — Balance of Physics and Market Mechanisms Based on Innovative Technologies

On July 20, 2021, a video conference was organized by the “ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution” journal with the support of CIGRE Russian National Committee. During the video conference representatives of the publishing company took an exclusive interview with Michel AUGONNET, CIGRE President.


At the NGN Forum Russia has presented the structure of the online platform aimed at international scientific cooperation between students - young engineers and companies

The key topics discussed at the NGN Forum organized on the 23rd of August by NGN Russia were the following: contribution of young professionals in the future of power grids; direction of companies’ development and industry expert cooperation of global network in order to integrate ideas and young professionals potential; successful experience of inclusion of young people in the CIGRE Study Committee’s activity.


In the Russian Electric Power Industry, 36% of Employees Are Women, Which Is One of the Best Indicators in the World, Anastasia Bondarenko Stated at the CIGRE Forum “Women in Energy”

Anastasia Bondarenko, the State Secretary–Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, spoke as a key speaker at the V International Forum “Women in Energy” within the framework of the 48th Anniversary Session of the International Council on Large Electric Systems of High Voltage (CIGRE), where she presented the results of the all-Russian study of the structure of women employment in the electric power industry and of the existing support measures for female labor and motherhood.


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