Russian NC  >  Structure  >  Praesidium


The Praesidium of Russian NC is elected for the four-year term by the Assembly upon the recommendation of the Russian NC Chairman and is responsible for the Committee’s day-to-day activity (except for the issues under the competency of the Assembly). The members of the Praesidium can be reelected.

The members of the Praesidium ex officio are the Russian NC Chairman, the Honorary Chairman and the Chairman of the Technical Committee.

The competence of the Praesidium includes the following issues:
- to admit to Russian NC and to expel from Russian NC;
- to introduce and recommend to the Assembly the candidate for the position of the Russian NC Chairman;
- to approve the number of members of the Technical Committee upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee;
- to approve the candidates for the Technical Committee upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee;
- to approve the internal Russian NC rules and regulations stipulating the responsibilities, status and procedures for the Russian NC governing bodies and officers;
- to introduce and recommend to the CIGRE Central Office the representatives of Russian NC for the CIGRE governing bodies and Study Committees;
- to submit to the CIGRE Central Office the papers by Russian NC for the ELECTRA, Sessions, Symposia, Colloquia and other CIGRE events.

The decisions of the Praesidium are taken by the majority principle in presence of a quorum. The Praesidium holds meetings as and when necessary but not less than once in half a year.

Russian NC Praesidium

elected by the Assembly on 10 December 2021

1. Andrey E. Murov, Russian NC Chairman (Rosseti FGC UES)
2. Pavel N. Snikkars (Ministry of Energy)
3. Yuri S. Borovikov (Novgorod State University
4. Andrey M. Kataev (System Operator of Unified Energy System)
5. Andrey V. Mayorov (Rosseti FGC UES
6. Alexey V. Molskiy (Rosseti FGC UES
7. Fedor Yu. Opadchiy (System Operator of Unified Energy System
8. Sergey A. Pavlushko (System Operator of Unified Energy System
9. Nikolay D. Rogalev (Moscow Power Engineering Institute)
10. Andrey V. Rumin (Rosseti FGC UES)
11. Olga V. Sinenko (RTSoft
12. Alexander Z. Slavinskiy (Izolyator
13. Tatiana A. Telushkina (System Operator of Unified Energy System)
14. Yuri V. Sharov, Technical Committee Chairman (Inter RAO — Engineering

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